AHRO Masterclass in Functional Foods & Nutraceuticals
Time limit: 105 days
30 credits
Full course description
Functional foods and nutraceuticals are foods that provide not only basic nutrition but also benefits to reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Nutraceuticals are all nature based, lifestyle products that work in sync with a balanced diet, exercise and overall wellness.
This online course covers the possible health consequences and mechanisms of action of health promoting dietary components and bioactive substances
- Describe what functional foods and nutraceuticals are
- Classify functional foods
- Examine the potential health implications and mechanisms of functional foods
- Discuss the uses of functional foods in the industry after completing this online course.
Course Conten
- Introduction to Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals
- What are Probiotics
- Other Food Components with Potential Health Benefit
- Non Nutrient Effect of Specific Nutrients
Teaching Methods
Interactive Lectures conducted online, Problem-solving exercise and case-based learning through a VLE platform. Course materials, including lecture notes and Power Point presentation, and other programme materials will be provided electronically.
Formative and Summative assessment. Learners would provide feedback via 1000 word written essay after each module and a 4000 written summative essay.
You will gain a CPD authenticated Certificate of Attendance.